Purifié SUPER CBD Fabriqué au Japon

Purifié SUPER CBD Fabriqué au Japon

Super CBD regains your inner balance,
It will find you in the original balance.

About experience
About CBD

Super CBD regains your inner balance, It will find you in the original balance. CBD is the official name Cannabidiol – called cannabidiol CBD (cannabidiol) is a component extracted from the plant hemp. It is one of the ingredients derived from natural hemp that is not illegal under Japanese domestic law. It is one of the main ingredients contained in hemp. Hemp contains more than 100 kinds of active substances called endocannabinoids. Among them, this ingredient called CBD is attracting worldwide attention.

About Super CBD

In a recent treatise, the University of Chicago demonstrated that CBD is less susceptible to Covid-19 in the early stages of infection. Super CBD is expected to be more effective than regular CBD. This is because polyphenols are a component of bitterness and pigments found in most plants, and it is said that there are more than 5,000 types in nature. Polyphenols have a strong antioxidant effect and have the effect of converting harmful substances such as active oxygen into harmless substances. Helps prevent lifestyle-related diseases such as arteriosclerosis. Super CBD is better than plants other than cannabis plants It is an alternative CBD extracted by efficiently compressing and depressurizing without applying temperature.

Unlike the CBD produced in Japan and imported from overseas that are sold on the market, we have succeeded in commercializing it with the world's first manufacturing technology that extracts from Japanese plants that are not cannabis plants.

It is sold as food.

Safety of Super CBD [1]

CBD as food = Succeeded in development by Takafuji Research Institute's original manufacturing method.

Safety of Super CBD [2]

Confirmation permission to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.

Effect / efficacy

It can be used to treat a wide range of diseases.
In addition to being proven to have neuroprotective effects, CBD has also been studied in several laboratories in the United States and around the world for its anticancer effects.

Inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.
Alzheimer's disease, dementia, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, Huntington's disease, stroke, traumatic brain injury, etc.
Diabetes, obesity, etc.
Autism, ADHD, PTSD, alcoholism, etc.
Colitis, Crohn's disease, etc.
Atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, etc.
Acne, dermatitis, scabies, etc.
Regain your inner balance with Super CBD,
Find the true balance of you.
Online shop
Hidetoshi Ito
Hidetoshi Ito
Producer & Medical Science Doctor
Hidetoshi Ito (Doctor of Humanities)

Advisor, Takafuji Research Institute of Science, Japan (R&D: anti-aging, preventive medicine, COVID-19 countermeasure, plasma treatment and advanced technology)

  • CEO, Aplotech OÜ(Crypto asset exchanges in Estonia)
  • Stanford University Cyber Initiative, USA
  • Officer, Association of Japanese Corporate Executives, KEIZAIDOUYUKAI
  • United Nations Economic and Social Council IPC
  • Many overseas awards(‘Asia Pacific Excellent Award’ in 2018)
  • Publication: ‘Hidden Facts of US vs. China Crypto Asset Competition’, Takarajima Publisher, No.1 among best sellers in business field in January 2019(‘Annual Golden Globe Award’ in 2019)
  • Doctoral course units in 1983, with emphasis placed on management science, preventive medicine and investment science. Stanford University, USA.
  • Management Consultant, McKinsey & Company Inc.
  • Corporate Venture Capital Committee, Researcher, Laboratory, IBM Corporation Chief Operations Officer.
  • Visiting Professor, Waseda University Business School, Japan.
  • Advisor, Och-Ziff Capital Management, New York Stock Exchanges(Hedge fund, Asset Management)
  • Chairman, Zufi Alexander Inc.(Recipient of the best fashion brand award in United Kingdom)
  • Casino,Hotels partoner(BVI)
  • Served as executive of a large company in Japan, the United States and Europe.
Health Science Doctor
Yasutane Takafuji

Obtained "Development of Takafuji-type stabilized chlorine dioxide" and many other patents. He also volunteers to treat cataracts in the Philippines and works abroad.

  • Doctor of Science
  • Noguchi Research Institute Counselor
  • Researcher, Far Eastern Federal University(Vladivostok, Russia)
  • Graduated from the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, Hiroshima Kokusai Gakuin University.
    Joined Zonboard Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
    FUJITSU BSC, Medic inc.
    Establish your own company FREEDOM co, Ltd.
  • Lecturer at Kanazawa University Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology for 2 years.
  • US Foundation Noguchi Medical Research Institute participate.
  • Received the Higashikubemiya Memorial Award.
  • Became a researcher commissioned by the Leading Atomic Energy Research Institute at the Institute of Science and Technology Innovation, National University Corporation.
  • Established Takafuji Research Institute.
Yasutane Takafuji
Yasutane Takafuji
SUPER CBD Oil Usage Guide

It will regain your inner balance and find you in the original balance.
First, let's get used to the body little by little for a week.

If you're a CBD beginner, CBD Oil Liquid 5% Concentration is 1-5 drops at a time, For 10% concentration, start with 1-3 drops.

20% from 1 drop.
First, let's feel the changes in your body every day.

SUPER CBD Oil Usage Guide
How to take SUPER CBD
How to take SUPER CBD

Like most supplements, it is swallowed by mouth and the SUPER CBD oil is metabolized in the liver via the digestive system.

Super CBD should be absorbed under the tongue for about 90 seconds before swallowing. Usually 5 to 10 drops. For those who like a fulfilling sensation, 20 to 30 drops. Please adjust to your personal taste.

How to calculate intake
SUPER CBD oil liquid
5% concentration
1 drop = CBD 1mg possession
[Example] 3 drops in the morning 3 drops in the afternoon 3 drops in the evening
TOTAL CBD 15mg intake
SUPER CBD oil liquid
15% concentration
1 drop = CBD 5mg possession
[Example] 1 drop in the morning 1 drop in the day 1 drop in the evening
TOTAL CBD 15mg intake
SUPER CBD oil liquid
25% concentration
1 drop = CBD 10mg possession
[Example] 1 drop in the morning 1 drop in the day 1 drop in the evening
TOTAL CBD 30mg intake
Most common questions
Frequently Asked Questions about Super CBD products
Please see this page.
Corporate Inquiries
For OEM and raw material requests for Super CBD corporations,
Please contact us from here.
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